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Ambassador Program FAQ

Be sure to enter your email when placing your first order as an Ambassador, so we know its you!

What are my benefits as an Ambassador?

The biggest benefit of our Ambassador Program is discounted products (50 - 70% off) as well as free items and commission through the use of personal codes. We also share photos of our Ambassadors in their Cletora products on our Instagram page (we will always tag you!) which will gain you more followers and social media exposure, which is particularly helpful for any aspiring social media influencers.

Do I get free products for being an Ambassador?

After your first order as an Ambassador (using your 50% off code), you will be sent a personal discount code to share with your friends, family, and followers. Each time that code is used on our site, you will be sent free products or commission (whichever you choose!).

We also host occasional promotional events for Ambassadors which include free products being sent to you regardless of your personal code usage. Keep an eye on your inbox, as we’ll email you when an event begins!

I'm unable to order right now, can I wait to use my code?

Your Ambassador 50% off code will not expire, and you are welcome to use it at any time after acceptance. Your offer for 60% and 70% future discounts, however, is only valid for 24 hours after acceptance. 

How often do I need to post on my social media promoting the brand?

While we do not regulate our Ambassadors post frequency, we ask for a minimum of 1 post per month mentioning our shop, and tagging our brand’s Instagram page, @cletorafashion (if applicable).

You are welcome to write descriptions/captions as you wish, and we do not have any scripts you must follow. We hope for your reviews, comments, and mentions to be genuine.

Do I have to put your store in my Instagram bio?

Only if you want to! You are welcome to advertise your collaboration with our brand, and you are also fine to be more discrete, whichever is your preference.

I haven’t received my Cletora products yet, how should I promote?

If you haven’t received any Cletora products, you are still welcome to share pictures of our products directly from our site. You can also simply wait until your products arrive to begin posting. We don’t mind!

How long will I be an Ambassador?

As you are not required to fill out any formal document or contact, you are free to leave our Ambassador program at any time. Simply send an email to our Administrative Manager at if you wish to be removed from our list of Ambassadors. If you do not request to be removed, you will remain on our Ambassador list and will be sent occasional Ambassador-related emails.

As an Ambassador, your Instagram page will occasionally be monitored by our Social Media Manager. If we see that you are not meeting the minimum promotional post requirement (1 post per month mentioning our store), we may deactivate your personal code and remove you from our list so that your spot may be opened up for someone else.

How will I know when someone uses my personal code?

Each time a personal code is used, our administrative management receives a notification, and an email is sent to the Ambassador accordingly regarding information on their earned commission/free products.

The Ambassador’s PayPal information is collected at that time, should commission be the chosen form of reward.

Am I allowed to share my personal code on Youtube or another social media platform?

Absolutely! Our main goal of the Ambassador program is brand awareness. So however you prefer to share the word, go for it! Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Youtube are just a few of the many platforms you are welcome to talk about us on! Simply always try your best to always direct traffic back to our store’s web address at

If you ever have any questions or comments about our Ambassador Program, feel free to send us an email at We are always happy to hear from our Ambassadors!